Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lutando com um cachorro!?!? Fighting a dog!?!?

English version below picture

Pois é, o inesperado me aconteceu na Terça feira dessa semana (30 de Agosto) as 8 da noite enquanto saia de casa a caminho da base de Jocum em que trabalhamos (que fica ha 3 minutos de caminhada). Logo que sai do portão de casa percebi que tudo estava calmo, caminhei alguns metros e ouvi varios latidos e um cachorro macho de altura média correndo em minha direção e pra piorar as coisas vinha um outro menos junto com ele. O cachorro maior tinha a altura média de um pastor alemão adulto e veio pra cima de mim latindo enfurecidamente... pensei: correr não é boa idéia, dar as costas pior ainda... o que fazer? Decidi correr em direção ao cachorro levantando meus braços como que tocando a boiada pra tentar intimidá-lo mas não funcionou, ele se aproximou e começou a latir e me rodear esperando que eu desse as costas pra ele me abocanhar. Tomei coragem e dei um soco de direita ao lado do maxilar dele, percebi sua expressão de surpresa e indagação tipo "hey, eu sou o cachorro cara, eu mordo!" e então ele começou a tentar me morder e eu passei a dar meu braço esquerdo pra ele tentar morder mas tirava antes que ele chegasse proximo e assim ja dava outro soco de direita no maxilar dele, resultado: Devo ter dado uns 5 ou 6 socos de direita do lado do maxilar do cachorro que não parava de latir e me ameaçar. O cachorro menor, cobaia do maior nem chegou muito perto, só ficava latindo de longe dando cobertura ao seu chefe. Tudo muito rapido, cerca de 2 minutos depois a dona do cachorro apareceu e o chamou de volta pra dentro do portão e eles foram, meu coração batia tão rapido... Fui atras dos animais e disse a dona dos cachorros "nunca mais deixe seus cachorros sairem assim, e se fosse uma criança em leu lugar?". Resultado final: Saí com alguns machucados em alguns dedos da mão direita porque alguns dos socos esbarraram nos dentes do cachorro chefe mas o bicho não me deu nenhuma mordida :). Thomas

Well, the unexpected hapenned to me this last Tuesday, 30th of August at 8pm as I left "our" house to go to our YWAM base which is pretty close (only 3 minutes away by walk). Everything seemed quiet and calm as usual as I left the gate of the house but as soon as I walked a few meters away from the gate I heard some vicious and loud barks and a medium sized dog running towards me and just to make it better there was another smaller dog running alongside with him and barking at me as well. The bigger dog had about the size of an adult German shepherd. Then I thought, what to do? Run away? Not a good idea.... Turn my back and walk away? Even worse.... Then I quickly decided to run towards the dog waving my arms and hands up on an attempt to intimidate the animal and make it run away, didn't work! He kept on coming towards me and quickly was right on my face barking even louder and walking around me trying to get me from the back so he could have a good grip. I then gathered some courage and gave him a right punch on the left side of his face, I could see his expression of disbelief in less than a second as if he was saying "hey, what are you doing? Im the dog, I can bite you!" but I kept on using my survival strategy, I would pretend I was giving him my left arm so then he would try to bite it but I would pull it back before he reached it and then I would have time and room to punch him with a right punch again... I probably punched him 5 or 6 times. The smaller dog was around too but not so close, he was only barking from a distance, maybe just giving some moral support to the bigger folk. It all happened in less than 2 minutes then the lady owner of the two dogs showed up and called them up back inside the house and they followed her so I ran after the dogs, my heart was racing and I told her " don't ever let your dogs out like this, what if it was a kid in my place now?". Final result: I got a few scratches here and there on my left hand out of punching the dog because some of my punches hit some of his teeth sometimes but at the end of the day he did not get a single taste of me :). Thomas

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